Veszprém Community
One of the biggest challenges people face in a new country is integrating into a new social circle. With all the differences in language, culture, accepted daily routines, and other details, it is not easy to feel “at home” in a foreign country. Adapting takes a long time.
The situation is even more complicated if you are a refugee. On the one hand, the move was not something you planned and prepared for: you did not have enough time to say goodbye to your old life, so you are often not ready to accept your new one. On the other hand, you almost never feel equal to the locals: they may pity you or want to help, but often they are not ready to make you a part of their lives.
That is why we, the BridgeUA team in Hungary, see such great value in creating Ukrainian-Hungarian communities. And we can already share our first success story. Recently, a team of people from Calvary Chapel in Philadelphia, USA traveled to Hungary to help us serve Ukrainians here. With their help, we organized a holiday celebration to bring together Ukrainian and Hungarian women in the city of Veszprém.
Despite the language barrier, the women were able to make earrings together, have lunch together, and even have a lesson in traditional Hungarian dances!
The church in Veszprém did a short Bible study. The story of Hagar, who was forced to flee into the desert while pregnant and met God there, touched the hearts of the Ukrainian women, who are also going through trying circumstances. At the same time, it was obvious how good this time was for the Hungarian women because they too received spiritual encouragement, care, and an opportunity to practice the love of Christ.
We all need healing.
We all need community.
And each of us has something to share with others.