By A. Clay Worrell, Executive Director of CGN
Ten years ago, on October 3, 2013, Pastor Chuck Smith finished his earthly race and entered into glory with Jesus. Through the life of this ordinary man, our extraordinary God did a supernatural work of renewal that genuinely changed the world. This renewal started in a small church in Orange County called Calvary Chapel over five decades ago, the fruit of which continues today across six continents through thousands of churches that share the name and/or DNA of Calvary Chapel.
Anybody who has listened to Pastor Chuck’s teachings or read his books, and especially those who had the privilege of knowing him personally, know that the last thing Chuck would have ever wanted is for his life to be memorialized in a way that would bring glory to anyone other than Jesus Christ.
In fact, I distinctly remember a famous Chuck sermon where he said:
“And after I go, if I find that there’s some hall or gymnasium and it’s got the Chuck Smith Memorial plaque on it … If I’m still alive, I’ll dynamite it. But if I’m with the Lord, I’ll ask Him to send an earthquake. Keep centered around the person of Jesus; He’s the One that brings us life and a relationship with our God!”
With that exhortation in mind, and out of fear of an earthquake of judgement, our heart here at CalvaryChapel.com and Calvary Global Network—during this month that marks the ten year anniversary of Chuck’s passing—is to honor and remember Pastor Chuck in a way that brings glory to the God whom Chuck dedicated his life to serve.
This month on CalvaryChapel.com and across our social media feeds, you will see articles and videos from a variety of people whom God has touched and influenced through the life and ministry of Pastor Chuck Smith. Our prayer is that these personal stories, testimonies, and lessons learned will be an encouragement and a blessing to you, our readers, and that we would all be reminded that God is still at work in this world and he is not done with Calvary Chapel.
Thank you, Jesus, for Pastor Chuck.
To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.